David's Blog
This blog features David's anointed writing on topics like The Holy Spirit, Healing, Prayer, Spiritual Warfare, Miracles, God's Presence, and more.
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When the presence of God approached, Adam and Eve hid themselves - they were afraid, they were ashamed. This is the human reaction to God when we sin - we hide from God. But as born-again believers, when we mess up, we aren’t to run away from God; we’re to run to Him.
Each one of us has been given a spiritual gift. That’s the Biblical truth. So no matter what the enemy tells you, no matter what people tell you, no matter what your insecurity tells you - just know that God has given you a spiritual gift. Learn how to recognize your spiritual gift.
All prayer is initiated by the Holy Spirit. This, of course, does not mean that you cannot, of your own free will, approach the throne of God. This simply means that if there is a desire within you to seek the Lord, then it was the Holy Spirit Who helped to cultivate that desire within you.
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When the presence of God approached, Adam and Eve hid themselves - they were afraid, they were ashamed. This is the human reaction to God when we sin - we hide from God. But as born-again believers, when we mess up, we aren’t to run away from God; we’re to run to Him.