Holy Spirit Encounter Services - Anaheim, CA
Join us for our Holy Spirit Encounter Services in Anaheim, CA. We’ve been seeing a tremendous move of the Holy Spirit at these meetings - salvation, healing, deliverance, and a fresh touch of God’s power. Come and experience the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. David Diga Hernandez will be ministering, and Steven Moctezuma will be leading us in anointed music. Join us for two powerful services of worship, the Word, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Come in faith, because something good is going to happen to you!
Friday, September 5th, 2025 - 7:00pm (PST)
Saturday, September 6th, 2025 - 7:00pm (PST)
The Arena at the Anaheim Convention Center
800 Katella Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92802
Volunteer by clicking Here.
To RSVP is absolutely free! RSVP by filling out the short form below. For questions about RSVP, email Events@davidhernandezministries.com or call 888.740.1110
World Changer Partners may reserve seats by clicking HERE.
Pay It Forward
We want everyone to hear God’s Word, so all of our events are free. But we still have costs to cover. If you can, please think about helping us by giving an offering. Any amount, big or small, helps us pay for the event. Because of your giving, others can come and receive from the Lord. We receive freely, so we give freely.
Pray and ask the Holy Spirit about what you can give for this event. Thank you for helping us spread the gospel. May more people be saved, healed, and delivered because of your giving.
You can give quickly and safely online: