Three essential books by David Diga Hernandez that will ignite your faith and deepen your friendship with the third person of the Trinity.

Praying in the Holy Spirit: Secrets to Igniting and Sustaining a Lifestyle of Effective Prayer
The secret to a thriving prayer life is not a formula—it is the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. As you learn to engage with the Spirit of God, your prayer life will soar to levels you never dreamed were possible!
Encountering the Holy Spirit
in Every Book of the Bible
In this groundbreaking work, author and healing evangelist David Hernandez takes you on an unforgettable journey to discover and experience the Spirit’s powerful presence throughout the entire Bible—from Genesis to Revelation.
Carriers of the Glory:
Becoming a Friend of the Holy Spirit
Scripture makes it clear that communion with the Holy Spirit is the key to living the kind of empowered and authentic Christian life we see modeled in Scripture. This book will acquaint you with the mysterious third Person of the Trinity, helping you to draw closer to Him so that you may become a carrier of God's Spirit—a chosen friend of God.
If you desire to know God more deeply and intimately; to have your soul set ablaze with a passionate love for Him; and to walk in the fullness of all that He has created you for, then this book is for you! It’s your season to draw close to His glory.
David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author, and TV host. He heads an international healing ministry based in Southern California. David travels both domestically and internationally and his TV show (Encounter TV) is available in millions of homes globally. His ministry is marked by a distinctive presence of the Holy Spirit, miracles, healing, and salvation. David is a unique and emerging Spiritual leader, called to take God’s saving and healing power to this generation.
David Hernandez stands as one of the most anointed emerging voices in the Kingdom. He personifies both a Caleb-type anointing to conquer and posses—in addition to an Elisha-type grace for double portion signs and wonders. Through David’s ministry, an entire generation will experience the power of a living God!