Spiritual Wickedness in High Places

There exists a world beyond what natural eyes can see, and therein rages a war for the soul of this generation. Light against darkness, Heaven against Hell. Be vigilant.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” -Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)

Let’s break this verse down.

“We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood”

This phrase emphasizes the fact that behind every seemingly human agenda is a spiritual force. This doesn’t mean that people aren’t responsible for their own rebellious ways, nor does it mean that the enemy can’t use human individuals as enemies of the gospel. This just means that we should remain aware of the fact that, ultimately, the Devil is working from the shadows to bring about destruction.


A principality is a high-ranking demon. But more than just the demonic entity, the term “principality” is also a loose reference to a region under heavy demonic influence.


Likewise a reference to demonic entities, the term “powers” also carries somewhat of a dual meaning. “Powers” doesn’t just refer to demons themselves but also the systems of which they are a part. Just as the term “The Government” can simultaneously refer to a group of individuals and the overall system, so the term “powers” can mean both the demonic entities and the structures of Hell.

“Rulers of Darkness in This World”

This is a reference to demonic beings and the individuals they influence.

“Spiritual Wickedness in High Places”

This is a reference to high-ranking demons and the high-ranking individuals they influence. This can also be a reference to fallen angels, which are different than demonic beings.

For more on this topic, you can watch my teaching “Spiritual Wickedness in High Places” on YouTube by clicking here.