Master the Media: 3 Keys

Could there be demons talking to you through your screen?

Day after day, people sit glued to streams, hashtags, and trending news. Demonic media networks and companies spread their poisonous deceit and viral fear through screens and speakers. By captivating the eyes and the ears of a generation, they captivate the soul of a generation. 

Day and night, they manufacture their lies. Even if something isn’t so, even if reality contradicts their narratives, they can convince the undiscerning through emotional repetition. Before long, their lies that contradict God’s Word and reality are believed by the masses, and the masses act as extensions of the media - spreading fear and demanding conformity; or else you’ll be shamed, attacked, cancelled.

And the children of darkness are in sync with one another. 

Movies, music, tv shows, online videos, podcasts, radio broadcasts, articles, and various forms of entertainment - it all aligns. Like a choir of demons singing one grand number, all branches stay on message. Sadly, some believers sing the harmony - they sing the messages of the secular on their social media platforms, in daily conversations, and even from the pulpits.

They push immorality and call it progress. They stir up division, spread fear, mock God’s Word, and push for the advancement of anti-God, anti-Biblical agendas. 

No doubt, the world is effectively using media.

And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. (Luke 16:8, KJV)

Media is a powerful tool, and it can be leveraged by any cause. Media is not evil in and of itself. So media can be used for the advancement of the gospel. Thankfully, we live in an age where media can be used by just about anyone.

So I want to give you 3 simple keys to mastering the media for the sake of the gospel and the Kingdom of God. You can use your platform - large or small - to help spread Biblical truth. 

#1 Focus

By honing in on one simple message, you can become more effective in spreading the truth. Complex, nuanced ideas are difficult to spread, because people don’t really pay their attention to you for extended periods of time. Stick to a simple message, and if what you’re preaching requires more detailed explanation, break up that explanation over several posts, videos, and so forth. Give them one step at a time. 

Find a message that God has graced you to spread, and then focus. 

#2 Repetition 

As we’ve learned recently, even if something isn’t true or based in reality, if it is repeated often enough, people begin to believe it. So how much more power will the truth have if it is repeated? Preach the truth, and preach the truth consistently.

Don’t let up. Speak up, spare not, sound the alarm. Repeat, repeat, repeat - in many forms, in many ways - repeat. When the truth is repeated, it always eventually breaks through. 

#3 Boldness

Today’s social media mobs will cry aloud anytime you declare the truth. If you want to see demons manifest, just post something that’s Biblically undeniable yet unpopular in today’s culture. They’ll use guilt to try to make you feel bad for speaking truth. They’ll use intimidation to try to make you feel afraid to speak the truth. They’ll use confusion to make you second guess the truth. This is why boldness is needed now more than ever.

Know the truth, and then declare the truth - boldly. No half measures, no hesitation, no damage control, no apologies. 

Speak it. If God is for you, who can be against you? Now, more than ever, we need to spread Biblical truths and ideas. Now, more than ever, we need to establish Kingdom dominion. Now, more than ever, we need to preach the gospel. Let’s never lose our focus. You are a messenger of Heaven. Your message is the gospel. It’s time to speak up.