Each one of us has been given a spiritual gift. That’s the Biblical truth. So no matter what the enemy tells you, no matter what people tell you, no matter what your insecurity tells you - just know that God has given you a spiritual gift. Learn how to recognize your spiritual gift.
The Next-Level Christian
Unlock God’s Plan for Your Life
The Power in Your Hand
Don’t wait for the ideal situation to present itself before you step out in obedience toward God. Whatever it is He has called you to do can be accomplished. The next step can be taken. The next task can be completed. You don’t need to wait. Just step out and do what you’re supposed to do right now with what you have in your hand.
Some Good News and Some Bad News
We Need to Focus on Soul Winning Again
It’s wonderful that we have our Christian gatherings, revival services, fellowships, conferences, worship events, and meetings. It’s great that there’s Christian media, e-courses, music, and more. But what about the lost? In all of our charity, in all of our power demonstrations, in all of our Kingdom building - let’s not forget about souls.
The Sound of Heaven
How a Tornado Became Our Testimony
Let God Speak for You
How to Preach with Power: One Simple Key
Ministry Motives: Avoiding Jealousy and a Competitive Spirit
We who are in ministry must never allow ourselves to be overcome by jealous ambition. If you see the success of others as a threat, you need to purify your motives. If you secretly hope your fellow believer fails, you need to purify your motives. If you want to grow your ministry simply to up your status, you need to purify your motives.
Disqualified from God's Call?
Of course, if believers want to be used by God, they ought to live holy lives. But perhaps you’ve made mistakes that you think have permanently disqualified you from ever being used by God again. Maybe you feel overwhelming shame and guilt - and it’s difficult for you to move forward. Let’s gain some perspective from the Scripture.
Encounters Lead to Callings
When Adam had life breathed into him, he became the steward of the earth. When Abraham heard God, he was called as a father of many nations. When Moses saw the burning bush, he was called as a deliverer. Isaiah saw God in the temple. Jeremiah felt fire in his bones. Ezekiel saw Heaven opened. The apostles sat with Jesus. The early church heard the wind and saw the fire of the Holy Spirit. Truly, encounters lead to callings.
Are There Different Kinds of Anointing?
Now, some believers wonder how they can acquire the "healing anointing”, the “deliverance anointing”, or the "prophetic anointing.” Some imagine that there are different kinds of anointing that require different protocols and procedures in order to collect. They may think that there’s something special one must do for the healing anointing, perhaps a special prayer to get the deliverance anointing, and so forth. But it’s actually quite simple.
Planted by the Hand of God
Don't Be a People Pleaser
No matter what you say, someone will disagree. No matter what you do, someone will think it should have been done differently. No matter what truth you speak, someone will point out a truth you left out. There’s no escaping the opinions of people. For every action and inaction, the offense of someone is waiting.
Partnering with God
We were made for the glory of God. Since the beginning, God has sought a partnership with man. Man was made to steward what God started, to cultivate what God created, and to call into order what God has called into existence. We are called to be diligent partners of God. God has provided you with the substance of your life. You must exercise your free will to shape that and then give it back to God as an offering. Our purpose is to love and glorify God through whatever means we have been given.
7 Signs of Ungodly Ambition
Purified for a Purpose
No More Excuses
We have the tendency to disqualify ourselves. When God gives us a mission, we recount our mistakes. When God gives us an assignment, we hide behind our imperfections. And while it might seem humble to count yourself out, think of the arrogance of saying, “I know better than God.” Think of the audacity of saying, “God’s power within me isn’t enough to make up for the flaws within me.”