At least for the believer, spiritual warfare is primarily about avoiding deception. By getting you to believe lies, the enemy can affect your thinking. By affecting your thinking, the enemy can affect your emotions. By affecting your emotions, the enemy can affect your actions.
The Next-Level Christian
How to Make Spirit-Led Decisions
The Dawn of Something New
Don’t Quit: Your Harvest Is Coming
The scripture is perfectly clear. If you don’t quit, you will reap a harvest. The seeds that you have sown will grow. Just don’t faint. Stand firm in faith. It is an irrefutable, immovable law of scripture: persistence in well doing produces the harvest of blessing. The laws of God’s Word are more certain than the physical laws under which our world operates.
Unlock God’s Plan for Your Life
The Power in Your Hand
Don’t wait for the ideal situation to present itself before you step out in obedience toward God. Whatever it is He has called you to do can be accomplished. The next step can be taken. The next task can be completed. You don’t need to wait. Just step out and do what you’re supposed to do right now with what you have in your hand.
A Fresh Anointing
Apathy, familiarity, monotony – these are far more detrimental to your spiritual well being than even some demonic assaults. Human nature can be so easily sidetracked. We have the tendency to veer off track. This is why it is so important to approach our walk with the Lord on a moment-by-moment basis. Whether yesterday ended in victory or defeat, we must focus on today. We must learn to walk in a fresh anointing, a fresh touch of God’s power.
7 Marks of the Spirit-Filled
In the first year that I had come to know Jesus, I sought out spiritual mentors and studied them closely. From both men and women of God, I received information, inspiration and impartation. While learning from God’s anointed servants, I came to notice similarities in their mindsets, character traits and even demeanors. They shared certain attributes that I’ve come to call “Marks of the Spirit”.
Some Good News and Some Bad News
Flowing with the Holy Spirit
Repentance: Change Your Mind
We Need to Focus on Soul Winning Again
It’s wonderful that we have our Christian gatherings, revival services, fellowships, conferences, worship events, and meetings. It’s great that there’s Christian media, e-courses, music, and more. But what about the lost? In all of our charity, in all of our power demonstrations, in all of our Kingdom building - let’s not forget about souls.
The Coming Financial Crisis?
10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Quit
Is Being Slain in the Spirit Biblical?
So we see, from scripture, that spiritual things can be transferred and given through the laying on of hands. The Spirit and His power can be transferred through human touch. And what happens when the Holy Spirit and His power are present? In some cases, people are unable to stand or otherwise react physically. We see the reactions to the Glory of God all throughout scripture. So to say that the manifestation is unbiblical, one must deny one or all of these premises. Otherwise, he cannot reject the conclusion.
The Sound of Heaven
Seeing Divine Visions
Healing, Deliverance, Gifts, and Miracles are for Today: The Problems with Cessationism
It is my prayer that every believer would come to know the fulness of the Holy Spirit’s power. Every believer has the Holy Spirit, but that doesn’t mean that the Holy Spirit has every believer. As I see it, those who reject the spiritual gifts are simply choosing to settle; they’re choosing to do things the hard way.