Though you cannot see it with your natural eyes, in the spiritual realm, a conflict between light and darkness is taking place—angels against demons, Heaven against Hell, truth against deception. Your mind is the battlefield.
The Spiritual World
The Holy Spirit Dominates Demons
The Holy Spirit doesn’t deal with demons; the Holy Spirit dominates demons. By His mere presence, the forces of darkness are exposed, overcome, and expelled. Just as quickly as light dissolves the shadows, so the Holy Spirit rids one of demonic influence. Like sand castles under a roaring ocean wave, the bondages of the enemy are destroyed.
Overcoming the Virus
Rejecting Superstition
In order to become a real threat to hell and a real help to others, we must be loosed from the distracting nature of superstition and learn how to engage in true spiritual warfare. In the introduction to this book, I presented a caution about our approach to spiritual warfare and warned against the extremes of both skepticism and superstition. I now want to focus on avoiding superstitious thinking that can keep you from overcoming the enemy.
Demons & Fallen Angels
Through my observation and study of Scripture, I have come to believe, quite confidently, that demons cannot be fallen angels. Now, I know that idea will be rather jarring for some people. It may seem that I am not only challenging a widely held traditional view but also contradicting very clear teachings of the Bible. Well, the idea that demons are not fallen angels certainly contradicts tradition. But in no way does it contradict Scripture.
Dominion Over Demons
Dear reader, you don’t need to be a “demon expert” to be a threat to hell. Should you know the dynamics of spiritual warfare and demonic activity? Absolutely. But how much more do you really think you need to learn before you begin to exercise your authority over them? The ability to cast out demons and destroy the works of hell is not necessarily about how much you know about demons; it’s about how much demons know about Christ in you.