Bitterness can reveal itself it many ways: anger, cynicism, loss of joy, frustration, and a lack of patience. The good news? There is freedom available to you. The answer is simple…
How to Win in Spiritual Warfare
7 Marks of the Spirit-Filled
In the first year that I had come to know Jesus, I sought out spiritual mentors and studied them closely. From both men and women of God, I received information, inspiration and impartation. While learning from God’s anointed servants, I came to notice similarities in their mindsets, character traits and even demeanors. They shared certain attributes that I’ve come to call “Marks of the Spirit”.
The Crucified Life
Sure, the blessings of God abound in the life of every believer. He prospers, provides for, protects, and loves His people. God does not despise the prayer request. God does not become angry with His child’s request for a blessing. God loves to bless His children. But one thing we should all remember is this: God’s cause takes precedence over the believer’s comfort.
People of Prayer
People of prayer don’t just pray occasionally; for them, prayer is a lifestyle. They wake up praying, fall asleep praying, and they carve out time in their day to pray. They don’t surrender their time in prayer for anyone or anything. And they are marked by certain godly traits. Because they devote themselves to prayer so fully, their spiritual qualities stand out like bright lights.
Holy Spirit: Everyday Excellence
The Holy Spirit is, literally, down to earth. He does not distance Himself from our practical living. He is an able Helper, not just in the matters of the supernatural, but also in the matters of the natural. He is God’s empowering presence here upon the earth. He involves Himself in our day-to-day tasks and responsibilities; He desires to help you in all that you do.
Body, Soul, Spirit: Simply Explained
Carriers of the Glory
You don’t have to go looking for an atmosphere; you are an atmosphere. You are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, a habitation of Heaven, a carrier of the glory. Because you have the Holy Spirit, you don’t have to follow signs; signs follow you. You don’t have to beg for a divine encounter; you live in a divine encounter.
Holy Spirit: Heaven's Greatest Worship Leader
Therefore, true worship cannot be conjured by means of emotional posturing. Worship can’t be demanded by an ambitious song leader. Hype can’t produce it. Production can’t mimic it. Musical talent cannot cause it. Only the Holy Spirit can ignite the fire of worship in your heart. For the carnal cannot produce the spiritual. He is the one who awakens true worship within you.
Overcoming the Victim Mindset
Being victorious doesn’t mean that I don’t face difficulties. Being victorious means that even in difficulties, I continue to believe that God wins in the end. The victorious believer doesn’t allow exterior circumstances to diminish inner joy. The victorious believer doesn’t allow the actions of others to steal their peace.
Body, Soul, Spirit: Simply Explained
The Holy Spirit communicates what He knows of God with your spirit. God’s Spirit shares revelations with your spirit. God’s innermost Being shares mysteries with your innermost being. In that place of inner oneness, divine secrets are being imparted. By the Holy Spirit, every believer has this privilege of internal, eternal connection with God Himself.
Welcome the Holy Spirit
This is How You Know You Really Have the Holy Spirit
7 Signs of Ungodly Ambition
How to Welcome the Holy Spirit: 3 Keys
How to Never Backslide: 5 Keys
Now that word “backslide” is an interesting word, because it’s come to mean different things to different people. Arguing that Christ would never let them go, some would say that true believers would never return to their old ways - while others think it’s possible for believers to once again be ensnared by the world because of their own free will. Whatever you believe, and no matter where you stand on that question, it should be your desire to remain committed to Christ for life.
You Are a Miracle
The Worst Case Scenario
The Holy Spirit Prays for You
If you could see into the realm of the Spirit, if you could watch the Holy Spirit pray for you, you would see Him with tears streaming down His face. You would hear Him praying with such force that His booming voice, the very same which spoke the world into existence, would shake the room. I dare even say that you would see Him pounding His fist on the floor as He prayed.