The Holy Spirit

A Fresh Anointing

A Fresh Anointing

Apathy, familiarity, monotony – these are far more detrimental to your spiritual well being than even some demonic assaults. Human nature can be so easily sidetracked. We have the tendency to veer off track. This is why it is so important to approach our walk with the Lord on a moment-by-moment basis. Whether yesterday ended in victory or defeat, we must focus on today. We must learn to walk in a fresh anointing, a fresh touch of God’s power.

7 Marks of the Spirit-Filled

7 Marks of the Spirit-Filled

In the first year that I had come to know Jesus, I sought out spiritual mentors and studied them closely. From both men and women of God, I received information, inspiration and impartation. While learning from God’s anointed servants, I came to notice similarities in their mindsets, character traits and even demeanors. They shared certain attributes that I’ve come to call “Marks of the Spirit”.

Is Being Slain in the Spirit Biblical?

Is Being Slain in the Spirit Biblical?

So we see, from scripture, that spiritual things can be transferred and given through the laying on of hands. The Spirit and His power can be transferred through human touch. And what happens when the Holy Spirit and His power are present? In some cases, people are unable to stand or otherwise react physically. We see the reactions to the Glory of God all throughout scripture. So to say that the manifestation is unbiblical, one must deny one or all of these premises. Otherwise, he cannot reject the conclusion.

Holy Spirit - The Greatest Bible Teacher on Earth

Holy Spirit - The Greatest Bible Teacher on Earth

When I first began to read the Word for myself, I would read halfway through any given chapter of the Bible only to realize that I wasn’t understanding what I was reading. So I’d have to start over. I would even zone out and read the Word without giving it my full attention. When I read the Word like that, there was no spiritual fruit.

Holy Spirit: Everyday Excellence

Holy Spirit: Everyday Excellence

The Holy Spirit is, literally, down to earth. He does not distance Himself from our practical living. He is an able Helper, not just in the matters of the supernatural, but also in the matters of the natural. He is God’s empowering presence here upon the earth. He involves Himself in our day-to-day tasks and responsibilities; He desires to help you in all that you do.

What is the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? How to Know If You Committed the Unpardonable Sin

What is the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? How to Know If You Committed the Unpardonable Sin

And this is very important to note: Not all verbal expressions of skepticism, anger, disobedience, or disrespect toward the Holy Spirit can be categorized as the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit can only come from a conscience that is completely seared. I’ll prove that to you with scripture now.

The Holy Spirit's Still Small Voice

The Holy Spirit's Still Small Voice

Had God revealed Himself through that mighty wind, Elijah would have been unable to prevent himself from being moved. Had God spoken through an earthquake, Elijah would have had no choice but to be shaken. Had God made Himself known in the fire, Elijah could not have prevented himself from being burned. But because God chose to speak in the whisper, Elijah was given the choice to respond.

Holy Spirit: Heaven's Greatest Worship Leader

Holy Spirit: Heaven's Greatest Worship Leader

Therefore, true worship cannot be conjured by means of emotional posturing. Worship can’t be demanded by an ambitious song leader. Hype can’t produce it. Production can’t mimic it. Musical talent cannot cause it. Only the Holy Spirit can ignite the fire of worship in your heart. For the carnal cannot produce the spiritual. He is the one who awakens true worship within you.