How can you know if the decision you’re making is of God’s will? I want to give you a couple of truths that will help rewire the way you think so you can be decisive, while also being obedient to God.
The Holy Spirit's Still Small Voice
Had God revealed Himself through that mighty wind, Elijah would have been unable to prevent himself from being moved. Had God spoken through an earthquake, Elijah would have had no choice but to be shaken. Had God made Himself known in the fire, Elijah could not have prevented himself from being burned. But because God chose to speak in the whisper, Elijah was given the choice to respond.
Following the Voice of the Holy Spirit
It’s so simple. You don’t need to rush. You don’t need to delay. You don’t need to fear. You simply need to yield. Do as the Holy Spirit instructs you. And if ever you stumble, don’t stay off track. Be quick to repent and slow to wander. Cling to the presence of the Holy Spirit. Listen for His voice and walk in the perfect will of God.
3 Keys to Clearly Hearing God
In scripture, when looking at the God’s mighty prophets and anointed ministers, you’ll notice that it was rare for any of them to doubt that they were hearing God. Sure, they sometimes doubted situations, and they were met with many of the same inner struggles that we face today. But those men were confident in their ability to hear God. Compare that confidence with the uncertainty of many of today’s believers, and you’ll be forced to ask yourself this important question: why do believers today struggle to hear God?