All prayer is initiated by the Holy Spirit. This, of course, does not mean that you cannot, of your own free will, approach the throne of God. This simply means that if there is a desire within you to seek the Lord, then it was the Holy Spirit Who helped to cultivate that desire within you.
Sooner Than You Think
You’ve been waiting, praying, and maybe even worrying a little bit - but what if the miracle isn’t as far off as it seems? For several years my wife Jessica and I were believing for God to give us a child. Our only option at the time was a medical procedure we could not afford - so all we could do was believe God for a miracle. Some days we were filled with hope and we imagined our lives as parents. Other days, we were afraid to hope because we didn’t want to be disappointed. Finally we decided this: We’ve cried our tears, from here on out, only faith.
6 But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. 7 Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. - James 1:6-7 (NLT)
I would rather go my whole life believing for the miracle than to give up even one day too soon. I wonder how many gave up in the night on the miracle that waited for them in the morning. On a seemingly ordinary day like any other, we found out that Jessica was pregnant. Nine months later Aria was born.
7 “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. - Matthew 7:7-8 (NLT)
Only God knows what tomorrow holds for you. I dare you to believe God for the miracle. By the way, our precious Aria believed for a miracle too. Now she has her baby sister, Lilian.
For more on this topic, you can watch my teaching, “The Life-Changing Power of Praying Without Ceasing,” on YouTube by clicking here.
The Next-Level Christian
Unlock God’s Plan for Your Life
Flowing with the Holy Spirit
The Crucified Life
Sure, the blessings of God abound in the life of every believer. He prospers, provides for, protects, and loves His people. God does not despise the prayer request. God does not become angry with His child’s request for a blessing. God loves to bless His children. But one thing we should all remember is this: God’s cause takes precedence over the believer’s comfort.
Planted by the Hand of God
The Potter's Hand
Welcome the Holy Spirit
Do you need spiritual leaders? What the Bible says about "Spiritual Covering"
The Key to Being Used by God
The River of the Spirit
The Crucified Life
Becoming a Vessel of Healing
Heroes of the faith are reflections of the glory of God, but they are only reflections. While we can receive impartation, wisdom, and inspiration from those who have gone before us, we must aim to imitate them only in this one regard: ourselves becoming reflections of the brightest light. We must look to reflect Jesus.
Make Room for the Lord
Divine Brokenness
The Divine Challenge
All My Nothing
The Secret to Anointed Ministry
Unless you’ve gone out of your way, you’re reading these words on a digital screen. Your eyes are scanning across these letters that are presented upon a plain backdrop. What you don’t see, and what you’re not currently thinking about is this: behind this simple-looking display of words is a complex combination of technology that works to achieve the visual. This display shows up on your computer or device screen, and you don’t have to understand it to benefit from it.
3 Keys to Befriending the Holy Spirit
When I first learned the wonderful truth of the Holy Spirit’s personal nature, I desired to cultivate a friendship with the mysterious third Person of the Trinity. I found everything about His essence to be alluring, magnetic. As I examined the scriptures, I sought for clues and insights to His nature and personality. I wanted to understand His every nuance, familiarize myself with His every quality.