When the presence of God approached, Adam and Eve hid themselves - they were afraid, they were ashamed. This is the human reaction to God when we sin - we hide from God. But as born-again believers, when we mess up, we aren’t to run away from God; we’re to run to Him.
What is the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? How to Know If You Committed the Unpardonable Sin
And this is very important to note: Not all verbal expressions of skepticism, anger, disobedience, or disrespect toward the Holy Spirit can be categorized as the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit can only come from a conscience that is completely seared. I’ll prove that to you with scripture now.
Can You Lose Your Salvation?
Can you lose your salvation? That’s an interesting question that’s been debated for quite some time now, and there’s no way to settle the debate in a short article like this. So rather than answer the question directly, I want to come at this topic from a different angle - a practical application of the Scripture.
Eternity Matters
Understanding Salvation: Faith or Works?
I want you to picture a tree. See its leaves, branches and stems. Imagine its thick trunk and twisted roots. Allow yourself to see through the dirt and visualize the tree in its entirety, from the highest point to the far tip of its deepest root. Now, let us say that this tree represents your salvation. Only a real tree can bear fruit. But is it the fruit that causes the tree to grow? No, it is the root system that causes it to grow. Good works are the fruit of salvation. They are not the root of salvation.