When the presence of God approached, Adam and Eve hid themselves - they were afraid, they were ashamed. This is the human reaction to God when we sin - we hide from God. But as born-again believers, when we mess up, we aren’t to run away from God; we’re to run to Him.
The Healing Touch of Jesus
It takes but one touch from the Master’s hand to bring forth a miraculous healing. To heal the sick, Jesus neither toils nor fails. Healing virtue flows mightily from Him and in great abundance. Whether you are in need of a healing yourself or desire to minister God’s healing power to the sick, you need to learn one thing and one thing only: it is the touch of Jesus that heals the sick.
4 Benefits of the Blood of Jesus
The Holy Spirit of Jesus
Dear reader, do you realize that the Holy Spirit within you is the reality of Christ? The Holy Spirit wants to make Jesus real to you. The Holy Spirit’s primary focus is to glorify, magnify, and emphasize the Son. In that regard, He is Heaven’s greatest evangelist! The Holy Spirit always emphasizes Jesus.