Are the Spiritual Gifts No More? The BIBLICAL Answer

Are the Spiritual Gifts No More? The BIBLICAL Answer

Have the spiritual gifts ceased to be? Are they no longer in operation in the church today? This is a fiercely debated issue, and I’m not going to be able to address every point of contention in just one article. My goal, rather, is to just get you thinking in the right direction, the Biblical direction.

The Holy Spirit Prays for You

The Holy Spirit Prays for You

If you could see into the realm of the Spirit, if you could watch the Holy Spirit pray for you, you would see Him with tears streaming down His face. You would hear Him praying with such force that His booming voice, the very same which spoke the world into existence, would shake the room. I dare even say that you would see Him pounding His fist on the floor as He prayed.

No Longer Desperate

No Longer Desperate

Our pleading is too loud. Servants beg. Strangers beg. Sons come boldly with faith. Desperation is a great initiator but a terrible sustainer. Desperation initiates, but only faith sustains. Desperation is what brings me to the Lord, but once I have Him, why would I ever be desperate again? You don’t enter the glory through noisy desperation; you enter through faith-filled confidence. Confident faith, not desperation, is the way to know the presence of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is God

The Holy Spirit is God

No believer doubts the deity of the Father. No true believer doubts the deity of the Son - otherwise, they would not be a genuine believer. If there is any doubt raised concerning divinity, that doubt seems to most often be aimed at the Holy Spirit. So I want to show you, as simply and concisely as possible, that the Bible most certainly reveals the Holy Spirit as God.