It’s wonderful that we have our Christian gatherings, revival services, fellowships, conferences, worship events, and meetings. It’s great that there’s Christian media, e-courses, music, and more. But what about the lost? In all of our charity, in all of our power demonstrations, in all of our Kingdom building - let’s not forget about souls.
The Coming Financial Crisis?
10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Quit
Is Being Slain in the Spirit Biblical?
So we see, from scripture, that spiritual things can be transferred and given through the laying on of hands. The Spirit and His power can be transferred through human touch. And what happens when the Holy Spirit and His power are present? In some cases, people are unable to stand or otherwise react physically. We see the reactions to the Glory of God all throughout scripture. So to say that the manifestation is unbiblical, one must deny one or all of these premises. Otherwise, he cannot reject the conclusion.
The Sound of Heaven
Seeing Divine Visions
Healing, Deliverance, Gifts, and Miracles are for Today: The Problems with Cessationism
It is my prayer that every believer would come to know the fulness of the Holy Spirit’s power. Every believer has the Holy Spirit, but that doesn’t mean that the Holy Spirit has every believer. As I see it, those who reject the spiritual gifts are simply choosing to settle; they’re choosing to do things the hard way.
The Unstoppable Favor of God
How a Tornado Became Our Testimony
Faith in Action
Let God Speak for You
Permits Granted: Construction Begins Monday
How to Preach with Power: One Simple Key
The Crucified Life
Sure, the blessings of God abound in the life of every believer. He prospers, provides for, protects, and loves His people. God does not despise the prayer request. God does not become angry with His child’s request for a blessing. God loves to bless His children. But one thing we should all remember is this: God’s cause takes precedence over the believer’s comfort.
Holy Spirit: Heaven's Greatest Worship Leader
Ministry Motives: Avoiding Jealousy and a Competitive Spirit
We who are in ministry must never allow ourselves to be overcome by jealous ambition. If you see the success of others as a threat, you need to purify your motives. If you secretly hope your fellow believer fails, you need to purify your motives. If you want to grow your ministry simply to up your status, you need to purify your motives.
A Miracle in the Making: Special Ministry Update
The Holiness Spirit
What is God's Perfect Will for You?
Holy Spirit - The Greatest Bible Teacher on Earth
When I first began to read the Word for myself, I would read halfway through any given chapter of the Bible only to realize that I wasn’t understanding what I was reading. So I’d have to start over. I would even zone out and read the Word without giving it my full attention. When I read the Word like that, there was no spiritual fruit.