I believe in the joy and power of the Holy Spirit, but much of what we see on display today is just the flesh. So what was it that made the onlookers assume that the believers were drunk?
Symbols of the Holy Spirit: Water
Symbols of the Holy Spirit: The Seal
The seal represents the certainty that we receive from the Holy Spirit. Despite what our emotions tell us, despite what the lies of the enemy tell us, despite what our own human reasoning tells us, we know that we belong to God because of the Holy Spirit, the seal of the promise of salvation. The seal, the Holy Spirit, is God’s fear-defeating, peace-giving promise to us, the assurance of our own salvation. The seal can be symbolic of the Holy Spirit.
Symbols of the Holy Spirit: The Cloud
It was in the cloud that Jesus ascended (Acts 1:9), and it is on a cloud that Jesus will return (Mark 13:26). The Holy Spirit, the cloud, reveals the presence of Jesus. The cloud represents the Holy Spirit’s guidance and glorious presence in your life. He surrounds you and reveals the glory of God. He rests on His new tabernacle, you. The cloud can be symbolic of the Holy Spirit.
Symbols of the Holy Spirit: Light
Symbols of the Holy Spirit: The Dove
Symbols of the Holy Spirit: Oil
Symbols of the Holy Spirit: Fire
Symbols of the Holy Spirit: Wind
Do Something for God
Eternity Matters
8 Effects of Living in God's Word
Persistent Faith
Something More
The more I knew of Him, the more I wanted to know. There was a beautiful and energizing grace that compelled my every spiritual act. There was a flow to my prayer and devotion. But then, seemingly out of nowhere, I felt a growing distance between God and myself. The clear image of Jesus, that the eyes of my heart had so clearly beheld, began to fade.
We Need the Holy Spirit
Setting the Atmosphere
9 Marks of a Move of the Holy Spirit
Doubt: An Unwelcome Enemy of Healing
Becoming a Vessel of Healing
Heroes of the faith are reflections of the glory of God, but they are only reflections. While we can receive impartation, wisdom, and inspiration from those who have gone before us, we must aim to imitate them only in this one regard: ourselves becoming reflections of the brightest light. We must look to reflect Jesus.
Your Healing: Just a Matter of Time
If Jesus wanted you to be sick, He would not have paid such a high price for your healing. Healing is God’s will. Your healing is God’s will. Healing is a blessing of the cross, a gift of the covenant. The shed blood of Jesus was the purchase price for your total well-being. As surely as God is in control, your healing is on its way.