Disqualified from God's Call?

Disqualified from God's Call?

Of course, if believers want to be used by God, they ought to live holy lives. But perhaps you’ve made mistakes that you think have permanently disqualified you from ever being used by God again. Maybe you feel overwhelming shame and guilt - and it’s difficult for you to move forward. Let’s gain some perspective from the Scripture.

Encounters Lead to Callings

Encounters Lead to Callings

When Adam had life breathed into him, he became the steward of the earth. When Abraham heard God, he was called as a father of many nations. When Moses saw the burning bush, he was called as a deliverer. Isaiah saw God in the temple. Jeremiah felt fire in his bones. Ezekiel saw Heaven opened. The apostles sat with Jesus. The early church heard the wind and saw the fire of the Holy Spirit. Truly, encounters lead to callings.

Are There Different Kinds of Anointing?

Are There Different Kinds of Anointing?

Now, some believers wonder how they can acquire the "healing anointing”, the “deliverance anointing”, or the "prophetic anointing.” Some imagine that there are different kinds of anointing that require different protocols and procedures in order to collect. They may think that there’s something special one must do for the healing anointing, perhaps a special prayer to get the deliverance anointing, and so forth. But it’s actually quite simple.

Holy Spirit: Heaven's Greatest Worship Leader

Holy Spirit: Heaven's Greatest Worship Leader

Therefore, true worship cannot be conjured by means of emotional posturing. Worship can’t be demanded by an ambitious song leader. Hype can’t produce it. Production can’t mimic it. Musical talent cannot cause it. Only the Holy Spirit can ignite the fire of worship in your heart. For the carnal cannot produce the spiritual. He is the one who awakens true worship within you.

Overcoming the Victim Mindset

Overcoming the Victim Mindset

Being victorious doesn’t mean that I don’t face difficulties. Being victorious means that even in difficulties, I continue to believe that God wins in the end. The victorious believer doesn’t allow exterior circumstances to diminish inner joy. The victorious believer doesn’t allow the actions of others to steal their peace.

Two Kinds of Prayer

Two Kinds of Prayer

Unceasing prayer is spontaneous, in the moment, fluid. It is practiced during even the most mundane portions of your day. Unceasing prayer is carried out in the car, quietly within your heart, on the job, at school, and so forth. It can fill any gap of time, and can be practiced in any circumstance. But there is also a ceremony to prayer that must be regularly observed. Ceremony—that is, preparing the atmosphere—is necessary for intentional prayer. Intentional prayer takes place when I set the atmosphere to sharpen my focus on the Lord.

Body, Soul, Spirit: Simply Explained

Body, Soul, Spirit: Simply Explained

The Holy Spirit communicates what He knows of God with your spirit. God’s Spirit shares revelations with your spirit. God’s innermost Being shares mysteries with your innermost being. In that place of inner oneness, divine secrets are being imparted. By the Holy Spirit, every believer has this privilege of internal, eternal connection with God Himself.

Partnering with God

Partnering with God

We were made for the glory of God. Since the beginning, God has sought a partnership with man. Man was made to steward what God started, to cultivate what God created, and to call into order what God has called into existence. We are called to be diligent partners of God. God has provided you with the substance of your life. You must exercise your free will to shape that and then give it back to God as an offering. Our purpose is to love and glorify God through whatever means we have been given.

Don't Hurt the Holy Spirit

Don't Hurt the Holy Spirit

Disobedience to the Word of God grieves the Holy Spirit. Ungodly thoughts grieve the Holy Spirit. When we prioritize entertainment over prayer, we grieve the Holy Spirit. When we ignore His gentle voice, we grieve the Holy Spirit. When we are more committed to interacting on social media than we are to reading the Bible, we grieve the Holy Spirit. When we allow anger to get the best of us, lust to control us, and fear to dominate us, we grieve the Holy Spirit.