David's Blog

Honoring Your Saul

Honoring Your Saul

My point is this: Saul is one of the worst examples of leadership, yet David served him. This means that we are without excuse when we don’t honor the men and women of God who have preceded us. I often hear critical believers making unkind remarks about the mothers and fathers of our faith. Quick to pinpoint every error and slow to forgive, the conspiracy theologians blame our predecessors for every problem in the church, claiming that they themselves will redeem the name of Christ among this generation.

Cleansed and Called

 Cleansed and Called

Before God will use you, He will cleanse you. Of course, one mustn’t be perfect before becoming useful in God’s hand. However, there is a standard God has set before us at the threshold of each promotion. The promotion upon your life is directly proportional to the purity within your life. As you allow God to cleanse you, you become more able to cooperate with His agenda for your life.

The Futility of Worry

The Futility of Worry

Anxiety, paranoia, fear, and all kinds of phobias are deeply rooted in man’s desire (not “need”) to control everything. Worry is man’s useless attempt at control. Somewhere within our minds we believe that if we can assess, analyze, and consider a matter thoroughly enough, long enough, and intensely enough that we can prevent or solve the problem.

Only One Nature

Only One Nature

You’ve often heard it said that the believer has two natures, two identities that battle for the foreground his being. An intense, inner struggle between sin, self, and spirit rages deep within the soul. However, I contend, based upon what the Bible says, that the believer is not dual-natured. Rather, the believer has only one true nature – the spirit.

The Holy Spirit: Masterful Teacher

The Holy Spirit: Masterful Teacher

The Holy Spirit is a Masterful Teacher of the Word of God, because He doesn’t just give you information; He brings forth revelation. He doesn’t just help you to process the information; He helps you to appreciate the revelation. Information is the depositing of facts into your mind, but revelation is the impartation of truth into your spirit. Information informs. Revelation transforms.

The Holy Spirit is a Person

The Holy Spirit is a Person

The Holy Spirit is a Person – just as divine as the Father and the Son. I don’t mean that He is a human. I mean that He is a personal Being. As simple of a thought as this may be (that the Holy Spirit is a Person), I still believe that it’s important to demonstrate it through scripture. The scriptures I am sharing with you in this post demonstrate that the Holy Spirit is both personal and divine.

Prayers of the Holy Spirit (1 of 2)

Prayers of the Holy Spirit (1 of 2)

Prayer is potent. It can accomplish much. But while prayer can certainly affect the world around you, it is most effective on the one who prays. Prayer is a force that can change the outer world, but it is most trans-formative toward the inner man. Prayer causes you to become its own answer. There are many things for which we can pray, but I want to help you focus your prayer on your friendship with the Holy Spirit.

The Law of Persistence

The Law of Persistence

The scripture is perfectly clear. If you don’t quit, you will reap a harvest. The seeds that you have sown will grow. Just don’t faint. Stand firm in faith. It is an irrefutable, immovable law of scripture: persistence in well doing produces the harvest of blessing. The laws of God’s Word are more certain than the physical laws under which our world operates.

He Healed Them All!

He Healed Them All!

The touch of the Lord’s hand healed each and every person who approached Him for healing. (See also: Acts 10:38; Matthew 4:23; Matthew 9:35; Matthew 12:15; Luke 6:19) He healed them no matter what their diseases were. Both serious and minor illnesses alike were completely healed. Jesus never rejected a single person who approached Him in child-like faith. He has not changed.