Something More

Something More

The more I knew of Him, the more I wanted to know. There was a beautiful and energizing grace that compelled my every spiritual act. There was a flow to my prayer and devotion. But then, seemingly out of nowhere, I felt a growing distance between God and myself. The clear image of Jesus, that the eyes of my heart had so clearly beheld, began to fade.

Becoming a Vessel of Healing

Becoming a Vessel of Healing

Heroes of the faith are reflections of the glory of God, but they are only reflections. While we can receive impartation, wisdom, and inspiration from those who have gone before us, we must aim to imitate them only in this one regard: ourselves becoming reflections of the brightest light. We must look to reflect Jesus.

Your Healing: Just a Matter of Time

Your Healing: Just a Matter of Time

If Jesus wanted you to be sick, He would not have paid such a high price for your healing. Healing is God’s will. Your healing is God’s will. Healing is a blessing of the cross, a gift of the covenant. The shed blood of Jesus was the purchase price for your total well-being. As surely as God is in control, your healing is on its way.

The Healing Touch of Jesus

The Healing Touch of Jesus

It takes but one touch from the Master’s hand to bring forth a miraculous healing. To heal the sick, Jesus neither toils nor fails. Healing virtue flows mightily from Him and in great abundance. Whether you are in need of a healing yourself or desire to minister God’s healing power to the sick, you need to learn one thing and one thing only: it is the touch of Jesus that heals the sick.

Following the Voice of the Holy Spirit

Following the Voice of the Holy Spirit

It’s so simple. You don’t need to rush. You don’t need to delay. You don’t need to fear. You simply need to yield. Do as the Holy Spirit instructs you. And if ever you stumble, don’t stay off track. Be quick to repent and slow to wander. Cling to the presence of the Holy Spirit. Listen for His voice and walk in the perfect will of God.

Honoring Your Saul

Honoring Your Saul

My point is this: Saul is one of the worst examples of leadership, yet David served him. This means that we are without excuse when we don’t honor the men and women of God who have preceded us. I often hear critical believers making unkind remarks about the mothers and fathers of our faith. Quick to pinpoint every error and slow to forgive, the conspiracy theologians blame our predecessors for every problem in the church, claiming that they themselves will redeem the name of Christ among this generation.

Cleansed and Called

 Cleansed and Called

Before God will use you, He will cleanse you. Of course, one mustn’t be perfect before becoming useful in God’s hand. However, there is a standard God has set before us at the threshold of each promotion. The promotion upon your life is directly proportional to the purity within your life. As you allow God to cleanse you, you become more able to cooperate with His agenda for your life.

The Futility of Worry

The Futility of Worry

Anxiety, paranoia, fear, and all kinds of phobias are deeply rooted in man’s desire (not “need”) to control everything. Worry is man’s useless attempt at control. Somewhere within our minds we believe that if we can assess, analyze, and consider a matter thoroughly enough, long enough, and intensely enough that we can prevent or solve the problem.